Wooly Horn Ridge
a Columbia Gorge off trail adventure

3D map of Wooly Horn Ridge
a 3D map view of Wooly Horn Ridge

3D aerial photo of Wooly Horn Ridge

a 3D aerial photo of Wooly Horn Ridge

shaded relief view of Wooly Horn Ridge
a shaded relief view of Wooly Horn Ridge showing the route to Tomlike Mtn.

topo map of Wooly Horn Ridge
a topo map of Wooly Horn Ridge
The in and out trail part is shown in purple.  The off trail part is shown in black .  The return trail part is shown in red.

elevation profile derived from GIS information
elevation profile derived from GIS information
actual profile recorded on GPS
actual elevation profile recorded by GPS
The units are different but the shape shows accuracy and reliability of modern electronic mapping and navigation.

Friends Of The Gorge hike June 11, 2005

fording the east fork of Herman Creek
fording the east fork of Herman Creek  -  This turned out to be cold but easy.

climbing the rockfall
climbing the rockfall
climbing the rockfall
climbing the rockfall  -  This is hard but easier than back in the woods.

view from the rockfall
the view from the rockfall down into Herman Creek

steep climbing in the woods
steep climbing in the woods  -  This was some of the best off-trail hiking I've found in the Gorge.

some nasty  brush (and it was wet) - An off-trail Gorge hike isn't complete without some vine maple.

a nice part of the ridge
I thought this was a particularly nice part of the ridge.
It was steep but the way was clear.

near the top  

This is near the top.   It was raining , but the wind was so strong that only one side of you got wet.  And we couldn't see much of anything, a true mountain experience.

This is what the same place looked like two years ago on June 6.

same place 2 years ago
Mt. Hood view - two years ago
two years ago
two years ago

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